Guardians of Castle Anthrax
"...and there was much rejoicing..."

Guardians of Castle Anthrax is a Dark Age of Camelot guild.  All images herein except member photographs and fan-art are copyright Mythic Entertainment, Inc.  This is just an informational site for the use of players belonging to this association.  Blah blah, blahdy-blah blah.  Oh, and it might have a few links to other pages...


DAoC Official Site
The Herald
Some Maps

Main Hall
Rules, Etc.
Ranks & Duties
Officers & Alts
The Gallery
Other Links

Search The Castle

Bravenet Web Services

Got a link you want to see here? Or just wanna give us some feedback?  E-mail the webmaster.


Guild Events  --  Updated:    02/02/2003

Jan. 31, 2003 --  Wow -- 10+ members showed up this time!  :)

     The main discussion was about the future of the guild as a force in RVR.  It was decided that a more concerted effort was needed to level characters as a guild so that GoCA may have its name better known in the realm.  The forum will be used to organize weekly experience groups for all interested.

     The issue of support for crafters was raised.  The forum shall be used as a vehicle for crafters to share information and to organize hunts in order to raise funds.  While financial assistance from other guild members may be available as acts of kindness, a crafter is not to assume that he/she shall be supported in way by another guild member, or to beg guild members for financial assistance.

     Guild members were requested to review the Guild’s website and email comments on what they wish to see added/improved upon to the webmaster.

     Rank 4 has been changed to an RVR rank for levels 35 and above.

     Alliance chat is no longer available to ranks 8-5.

Nov. 24, 2002 -- Guild Meeting was originally scheduled as planned, but had to be cancelled by Arahn due to both GMs having to leave early, but Laudanum held one anyway -- yay for loyal Officers! :)  Turns out, Ambush had some good ideas on how to make the guild bigger (and he offered to help do just that), so we made him a Jr. Officer.  Congrats, man!  Unfortunately, nobody else showed but those two...

Nov. 10, 2002 -- Resolved some issues (nothing big), promoted Candidates to Member status, Swapped Items (Keter, Yeoman has gear for the GV), and decided against a Hunt -- we were all tired...

Oct. 27, 2002 -- Ok, um -- this time we understand why only a few showed up...  I was busy in RL, so I didn't post a notice about it; that and all the Officers kinda uh, forgot we had a Meeting. ~:o  Anyway, it went smoother than the last one, mainly because our structure is in place now.  As a matter of fact, that subject was brought up -- nobody voiced problems with the current Rules & Responsibilities, so we are keeping them and that's final!  The other point that was brought up was that more Members need to read them...

     But I digress -- the other matter was that of our very small membership...  The GMs have decreed that there is an Official Recruitment Drive in operation now -- talk with as many guildless as you can and try to get em in -- no false promises tho... >:[  Next on the spontaneous agenda was the matter of Guild Events.  Officers are currently working to organize this, and we need as many volunteers as possible -- be sure to check out the Forum for information.

Oct. 13, 2002 -- At our 2nd meeting, we had even less people show up...  Not cool.  Please understand that these meetings are YOUR way of input into the guild -- yes, we do listen while we play, but Meeting Time is when we get down to business and actually enact new ideas.

Now, we have, for quite a while, enjoyed our DAoC experience together with only one Rule:  Have Fun! ... the Officers decided it was time to add some structure to our happy little family.  During the meeting, we came up with 3 Scrolls -- the Scroll of Conformity, Scroll of Duties, and the dreaded Scroll of Condemnation...  View the full Rules & Charter on the Rules, etc. page...  And the Rank Responsibilities on The Ranks page.

GUILD MEETINGS ARE NOW EVERY OTHER SUNDAY, starting with October 13, 2002.  They will be held at 7pm EST in the Church of Albion, Camelot (2nd floor, by Lord Prydwen, Paladin Trainer)...  This was determined during the Guild Hunt (a valiant effort) which was held right after the Give-Away (a great success).

Sept. 5, 2002 -- Ok then, guild meeting was on schedule, although only 6 people showed up on time (8 total).  We have a new emblem, and i'll be updating the site soon to reflect this change.  The guild hunt has not yet been established, but new ideas are popping up all over...  Some of these will be put into effect soon, others need looking at.  I'll keep you posted on the latest and greatest -- when I can that is! ;)

Got an event you want posted? E-mail Lord Kromwell :)

Other Events

See above... E-mail the webmaster, blah blah...


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