Guardians of Castle Anthrax
"...and there was much rejoicing..."

Guardians of Castle Anthrax is a Dark Age of Camelot guild.  All images herein except member photographs and fan-art are copyright Mythic Entertainment, Inc.  This is just an informational site for the use of players belonging to this association.  Blah blah, blahdy-blah blah.  Oh, and it might have a few links to other pages...


DAoC Official Site
The Herald
Some Maps

Main Hall
Ranks & Duties
Events, etc.
Officers & Alts
The Gallery
Other Links

Search The Castle

Bravenet Web Services

Got a link you want to see here? Or just wanna give us some feedback?  E-mail the webmaster.


Table of Contents  --  Updated:    10/22/2002

Guild Charter Scroll of Conformity
Scroll of Duties Scroll of Condemnation
Code of Discipline Code of Conduct

Guild Charter
  --  Updated:    10/22/2002

Herein is written the Charter for Guardians of Castle Anthrax, a Dark Age of Camelot guild.  This is not a complete listing, as we intend to adjust our Guild Structure as necessary throughout this guild’s existence.

     If you are familiar with the cinematic satire of Monty Python’s Quest for the Holy Grail, then the name of our guild should give you a hint as to our nature.  GoCA is a guild that believes in bringing levity, benevolence and support to the arduous pursuits of players.  The structure of GoCA is set up to be more for the efficiency of assistance than for any trumped up power playing.  Each member’s views are taken with equal respect in our open forum meetings.  We are a collection of individuals not of character levels and realm points.  The 3 Scrolls & 2 Codes further expound upon these ideals...

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Scroll of Conformity  --  Updated:    01/31/2003

Herein is written Part One of the Rules & Regulations for Guardians of Castle Anthrax, a Dark Age of Camelot guild.  This is not a complete listing, as we intend to adjust our Guild Structure as necessary throughout this guild’s existence.

1.)  Have Fun!

2.)  Members must read and abide by all points in each of the six (6) Documents of the Rules & Regulations, and the Doctrines outlined in The 3 Scrolls, the Charter, and the 2 Codes, with the understanding that any Duties to this Guild in no way take precedence over the obligations of Real Life.

3.)  Members are free to leave the Guild up to three (3) times if they so choose; however, upon quitting for the third time, you shall not be readmitted to the Guild.
    4.)  Official Guild Meetings are designed to be Open Forums.  We encourage the free sharing of ideas and opinions, and will not tolerate heckling, et cetera.

    5.)  Promotions shall now be made on an as-needed basis by Guild Officers with as much pomp & ceremony as we can stomach…  ;)

    6.)  There is to be no begging or asking of monies from any player at any time.

    7.)  Members will abide by this Guild's Code of Conduct

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    Scroll of Duties  --  Updated:    02/26/2003

    Herein is written Part Two of the Rules & Regulations for Guardians of Castle Anthrax, a Dark Age of Camelot guild. This is not a complete listing, as we intend to adjust our Guild Structure as necessary throughout this guild’s existence.

    1.)  Most important of a Guardian’s Duties is to report all transgressions by another Member of the Rules set out in the 3 Scrolls & 2 Codes.  This is needed to ensure the Guild enjoys a structured environment, which is believed by a majority of the Officers to be the most productive type.  If a Member is found to be in violation of any of said Rules, the case(s) will be discussed by the Officers and Disciplinary Action may have to be taken…

    2.)  Members have an obligation to assist new and prospective Members with questions about the Guild up to a point – we don’t want to give away our Secret Handshake to Outsiders, now do we? ;)  Also, all Guardians must help those persons new to the Game with questions only; no need to give them your life’s savings.

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    Scroll of Condemnation  --  Updated:    01/31/2003

    Herein is written Part Three of the Rules & Regulations for Guardians of Castle Anthrax, a Dark Age of Camelot guild. This is not a complete listing, as we intend to adjust our Guild Structure as necessary throughout this guild’s existence.

    1.) Failure to comply with the Scroll of Conformity

    2.) Failure to abide by Mythic’s Code of Conduct… (viewable every time you log on)

    3.) Failure to comply with this Guild's Code of Conduct

    4.) Failure by any Member to carry out his/her Duties & Aspects, if applicable, in a proper and timely fashion…

    Code of Discipline  --  Updated:    10/22/2002

    Herein is written the Actions to be taken once a Member is found to be in violation of any one of the Transgressions listed on the Scroll of Condemnation.  One starts at the first step, and to progress to the next requires that one has committed another Offense, and the subsequent Discussion has occurred.

    1.)  Member receives a Warning, stating the case against him/her.

    2.)  Member is put on Probation – he/she cannot participate in any Official Guild Function save for Meetings…

    3.)  Member is Demoted one (1) Rank/Division…

    4.)  Member shall be Warned again…

    5.)  Continued Demotions will occur until Member is Rank 9…

    6.)  Once a Repeat Offender has reached this level of Humility, he/she shall be Removed from the Guild upon his/her next Transgression…

    We do so hope that these sad events never occur, but alas, when trying to create a thriving, hearty tree, one must prune the sickly branches before they infect the rest of the plant.

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    Code of Conduct  --  Updated:    10/22/2002

    The only thing that can make or break ones experience in the game is how we treat other players and are treated in return.  We are not alone in playing this game, the ramifications of which are the double-edged sword of support and conflict.  This Code of Conduct is designed to keep conflict to a minimum.  Remember, you are a representative of GoCA, please act accordingly.

    1.)  While a Member of this Guild, there is to be zero (0) defamation of this Guild or any of its Members to those persons not in the Guild – let’s keep our fights “in-family”.

    2.)  “Kill Stealing” is a horribly antisocial action that angers all and is just plain rude. Do not do it.

    3.)  Do not leave loot lying about, unless of course, your backpack is utterly spilling over with stuff to sell/keep…  Let's do all we can to keep Albion clean and free of “highway refuse”.  If you do not want something destroy it, do not leave it on the ground to confuse newbies and ruin screenshots. ;)

    4.)  On "camp crashing" or "camp stealing" -- this is a much-debated issue in DAoC.  An easy way to diffuse any misunderstanding or hostility is to simply speak to the people at the camped site.  If you need to interrupt them to complete a kill task:  let them know.  If you want to join in:  ask.  Work out a system with them.  It is easy for two groups to work a campsite.  One can kill while the other regains power or endurance.  All that is needed is some communication.  Blatant and aggressive wiping out of a camped site is not tolerated.

    5.)  Treat Clerics, Friars and all healers with respect.  The job of a healer is a difficult and oft times a thankless one.  Remember that no healer HAS to rez you and yelling at him or her will surely not get you on your feet.

    6.)  Verbal abuse is not abided.  There is no reason for anyone to put someone else down.  We are all trying our best in the game and some have more experience than others or better computers or faster Internet connections.  Instead of blowing your top at a “n00b” trying asking if they need help or offer advice.  Even if someone has wronged you there is no excuse for verbal battery.

    7.)  Each of us must strive to be courteous to other Players of the Game…  If you have disputes, attempt to settle them in a Civil Manner – if this is not possible, and you feel you have been wronged by a member of another Guild, please contact an Officer with the full details of the incident and we shall attempt to rectify any bad mojo.  If it is serious enough, please, go over Our heads and contact Mythic Entertainment directly.

    8.)  There is to be no overly hostile and/or prolonged retaliation directed towards other Players while in-game – they can find out who you are (don’t even try /anon… they’ll just check the Herald), and this does not reflect well on the Guild.  The Officers cannot and will not accept this, we who are trying hard to have this Guild become more accepted by the Gawaine/Albion community.  Retaliation or revenge is not an acceptable manner of handling disputes.  If someone crashes your camp, kill stealing is not the way to settle the matter.  Remember that such actions will not produce a resolution and will only ruin any case you might have against the original offender.

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