Guardians of Castle Anthrax
"...and there was much rejoicing..."

Guardians of Castle Anthrax is a Dark Age of Camelot guild.  All images herein except member photographs and fan-art are copyright Mythic Entertainment, Inc.  This is just an informational site for the use of players belonging to this association.  Blah blah, blahdy-blah blah.  Oh, and it might have a few links to other pages...


DAoC Official Site
The Herald
Some Maps

Rules, Etc.
Ranks & Duties
Events, etc.
Officers & Alts
The Gallery
Other Links

Search The Castle

Bravenet Web Services

Got a link you want to see here? Or just wanna give us some feedback?  E-mail the webmaster.


Important Notices  --  Updated:  02/23/2003

Welcome to all new people!

Events page has latest Guild Meeting Minutes; Ranks have been heavily updated (go there if you have questions about Alliance chat); Rules have been revised (go read it again!!); and, Links page has lots of new, hopefully useful links (send me more!!).  Officers page has been updated, if you care to have a look.

MEMBERS:  Are you on this list?  If so, email the officers HERE immediately...  If you are on said list, have played recently, and the Herald has not updated our page yet, please contact us immediately so we can take you off the Inactives List.  :)

OFFICERS:  Are you and your alts on this list?  If not, email the Webmasters HERE -- and please consider providing even a made-for-purpose email address...

Wayneoo & Imdesyda are 50!  Congratulations guys!  :)

Congrats to Vespers & Ambush on their promotions to Guildmaster!  :)

Please make use of the Forum on the left hand side...

Old News  --  Updated:  02/23/2003

IMPORTANT:  Currently looking for assistance w/ website -- need Writers/Columnists (main info, RvR strategy, crafting advice, grouping advice, etc)... Apply here!

Bah!  LOL -- Stop bugging Arahn and his alts about updating the site; he's working on it, and school, and other important stuff which I can't describe in the public domain...  ;)  Ralkaneous, aka Tag #1-6, has been kind enough to provide us with a Group Experience Equation Flowchart or something.  Ambush and Arahn are currently revamping the Guild Roster page; we're changing it to include Guild Officers and their Alts, and taking out (but saving) the BioPages -- for now...  Thanks Ambush for helping!

With our emblem change, the site colors have been updated -- I kinda like the softer tone.  :)

Screenies are up, and have internet "alternate" text as captions.

Send in your DAoC-related jokes, poems, limericks, charitable donations, whatever...

*** I will definitely add more cool stuff later... ***


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