Guardians of Castle Anthrax
"...and there was much rejoicing..."

Guardians of Castle Anthrax is a Dark Age of Camelot guild.  All images herein except member photographs and fan-art are copyright Mythic Entertainment, Inc.  This is just an informational site for the use of players belonging to this association.  Blah blah, blahdy-blah blah.  Oh, and it might have a few links to other pages...


DAoC Official Site
The Herald
Some Maps

Main Hall
Rules, Etc.
Ranks & Duties
Events, etc.
Officers & Alts
The Gallery

Search The Castle

Bravenet Web Services

Got a link you want to see here? Or just wanna give us some feedback?  E-mail the webmaster.


Links  --  Updated:    02/23/2003

Send me more links people -- this page is too skimpy!  Hmmn, skimpy -- better not send me those kind of links unless it's chainmail they're wearing...


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